Broken promises and more broken promises: First Nations education left behind yet again

Last year, the federal government introduced its First Nations control of First Nations Education Bill (Bill C-33) to substantial backlash from Indigenous communities across the country. The deceivingly named bill faced criticisms for its unnecessarily intrusive government oversight, transferring liability to First Nations without transferring authority and financing, and didn’t...

Ontario Chiefs meet with opposition parties, call for focus on Indigenous issues in upcoming federal election

Chiefs from First Nations across Ontario gathered in Ottawa this week to meet with federal opposition leader Thomas Mulcair and members of his caucus, as well as Liberal critic for Aboriginal Affairs Carolyn Bennett. Chiefs pushed both parties to consider critical First Nations priorities in their upcoming election platforms including...

First Nations political leaders participate in national roundtable on missing and murdered Indigenous women, continue to call for a national inquiry

First Nations leadership from across Canada met with government representatives at a national roundtable on missing and murdered Indigenous women in Ottawa today. The roundtable brought together more than 150 delegates including First Nations Chiefs, Premiers, federal and provincial ministers, and representatives from First Nations organizations. Deputy Grand Chief Denise...

First Nations Leaders Champion “Our Own Inquiry” for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Political leaders from First Nations across Ontario have joined together to begin their own inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women at a three-day gathering in Thunder Bay this week. The gathering will bring together 15 First Nations families who have experienced a loss with leaders from First Nations communities...

Batchewana First Nation Announces Election Results

On December 2, 3014 a polling notice was issued notifying the Batchewana First Nation’s Band Members of the 2015 election. Candidates began their campaigning, which included a submission in the First Nation’s Special Election Newsletter stating individual platforms and priorities. Voting took place in the Thunderbird room at the Rankin...