Oneida Nation of the Thames Is Protecting Their Families

Oneida Nation of the Thames Settlement (February 3, 2016) - The Elected Council of the Oneida Nation of the Thames will protect our families by asserting our jurisdiction in many areas, in particular, the area of child welfare. Despite legislation that requires Children's Aid Society's (CAS) to consult with the...

Caldwell First Nation Election Results

In accordance with their Election Code, which requires Caldwell First Nation to hold an election for Chief and four Councillors every four years, the election was held Saturday, June 27, 2015. The voting poll was opened at 10:00 a.m. and closed at 6:00 p.m.  The mail-in ballots were confirmed as...

Education is key to reconciliation

To the children we lost, the ones who survived, and the families who were never the same without them, today we honour and recognize your stories and your truths. For more than 100 years, our children were taken from us. Our communities and families suffered as 150,000 little boys and...

Federal Budget leaves First Nations behind again

Indigenous communities are being left behind yet again by Stephen Harper’s conservative government. In his 2015 budget, he offers extensive tax cuts for the wealthiest 15 per cent of tax payers, while in the same breath balances the books by shortchanging First Nations on vital programs and services. Notably absent...