COVID-19 Issues Update – Ontario First Nations Policing

There is growing concern about the availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for first responders in Ontario as global stockpiles become strained. In addition to increased needs from the healthcare sector, police services have been similarly impacted as their interaction with the general public continues to increase. This has also...

COVID-19 Update – Indigenous Community Support Fund and Additional Supports

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada announced the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, which includes $305 million for a distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund. This fund will provide support to First Nations, Inuit, and Metis communities as well as regional, urban, and off-reserve Indigenous organizations. These funds...

COVID-19 Info Update – Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19

Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips released a $17 billion aid package to support Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19. The government announced several measures aimed at helping residents, businesses, the health care sector, and urban Indigenous populations.The total package contains $7 billion in direct support to various communities as well...

COVID-19 Education Info Update

School ClosuresPremier Doug Ford has announced that it is unrealistic to expect for students to return to school on April 6, 2020 due to the state of emergency. The decision to close schools beyond April 6th is based on the decision of Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David...

March 24th, COVID-19 UPDATE

The number of COVID-19 cases continue to grow across the globe and in Canada. Canada now has just over 2000 cases and over 20 deaths. Ontario now has just under 600 confirmed cases. The Assembly of First Nations has declared a state of emergency for all First Nations across the...


The number of COVID-19 cases continue to grow across the globe and in Canada. Canada now has just over 1400 cases and over 20 deaths. Ontario now has 489 confirmed cases. Every person is being asked to practice social distancing to prevent spread of COVID-19 and to protect the lives...