March 15, 2021
JULY 2021
The Chiefs of Ontario Host Committee will be hosting the Assembly of First Nations
(AFN) 42nd Annual General Assembly in Toronto in July 2021 and is currently accepting
original Indigenous artwork to be submitted. Artwork will be used for materials by the
Chiefs of Ontario Host Committee and the AFN in promoting the assembly. We are
seeking artwork that supports and promotes Ontario First Nations culture.
In 2021, the AFN will be holding the National Chief Elections. The Host Committee has
created an agenda of social/cultural programming that will coincide with the AFN Annual
General Assembly. The programming will be a cultural mosaic of First Nations in
Ontario which acknowledges and celebrates First Nations’ resilience and culture.
From the artwork submitted we will select three pieces that will go to the Assembly of
First Nations’ Committee who will make the final selection for the AGA. Once
purchased, the artwork will become the sole property of the Assembly of First Nations
for use on advertising posters, flyers, websites, printed materials and various
promotional materials. The artwork must translate well into poster format, printed
material and promotional material, including clothing.
To Make a Submission: Please submit an electronic copy or photograph of your
artwork, a description of your artwork and the theme it represents, as well as a short
artist biography. The deadline for submissions is April 9, 2021. We appreciate all
submissions however only the winner will be contacted.
Please send submissions by April 9th, 2021 to:
Tuesday Johnson-MacDonald, TAP Resources
Executive Producer