Aboriginal Affairs department uses infrastructure funds to keep social and education programs afloat but still underfunded

Despite the fact that Finance Minister Joe Oliver announced 5 years of federal surplus today, Canada’s Aboriginal Affairs department is deep in the red, and inequitably underfunding services to First Nations. Internal documents released from within the department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) show that the department...

Equal Services for First Nations Kids: Human Rights Tribunal to Hear Closing Remarks After 7 Years

Seven years ago, two organizations representing First Nations in Canada launched a human rights discrimination complaint against the federal government arguing flawed and inequitable services for First Nations children. During the week of October 20-24, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal will finally hear the closing arguments for this case. The...

Ready and Prepared for Greater Collaboration with the Provincial Cabinet

Grand Chief Gordon Peters continues to express his optimism that the Government of Ontario will take the necessary steps towards greater collaboration with Indigenous leaders.  On September 25th, 2014 the Government of Ontario publically released a series of mandate letters addressed to each Minister, an important step to increase Cabinet’s...

Canadians for a New Partnership is a step towards a New, Stronger Relationship with Indigenous Nations

The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (AIAI) is supportive of the new organization Canadians for A New Partnership (CFNP). This alliance is a positive step towards strengthening Indigenous-Canadian relationships. This corporate organization, established by former Politicians and Indigenous leaders, is an innovative step towards building the required relationships to...

Honoring the 20th Anniversary of Sonya Nadine Mae

As the 20th Anniversary of the day Sonya Nadine Mae was found, community is gathering together to honor her spirit and raise more awareness about the issues of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. A reminder of an issue that has been happening for decades. A portrait of who...

Statement on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Grand Chief Gordon Peters issued the following statement regarding Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Canada. Sonya’s Story – Sonya Nadine Mae Cywink Sonya’s story is one that is all too familiar to Indigenous people in Canada. She is one of hundreds of Indigenous women that have either been murdered...