London, Ontario, March 27th, 2025 – Prime Minister Carney has called for an election and the polls will open up on April 28th however the concern remains that the federal parties will neglect their commitments to the Indigenous Peoples. The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (AIAI) strongly encourages all Federal Parties do not repeat the same mistake that occurred during the Ontario Provincial Election.

“We are not an afterthought for the candidate or a convenience to paint themselves in a good light.” Says AIAI Grand Chief Joel Abram “During the Provincial Election First Nations issues were sidelined by the candidates and none made any real effort to reach out to Indigenous Communities.  Every election the parties promise to hear us, speak with us, come to our communities, but it never happens, or they are barely there for a few minutes as they move on to another engagement.  This year I want to see real action from the candidates and to make a real effort to act on our issues and properly address what they are going to do about it.  No more pretty words or half promises.”

Deputy Grand Chief Stacia Loft says “More often Indigenous communities play a bigger and bigger role in dozens of ridings where our people decide the vote. We deserve to be heard and for our concerns to be placed on the forefront and not the back burner. The Grand Chief and myself urge that all candidates from all parties come to our Nations and put down, in black and white, a real plan of action and not empty promises.  If we are to work together it cannot be a one-way street.”

The leadership of the member Nations of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians are calling upon the candidates in every riding to immediately make their plans to come to our communities without fail if they are serious about wanting to make a real difference in the name of reconciliation.
