The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (A.I.A.I.) Chiefs Council Chiefs Council has agreed, by consensus, that the Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework (the Rights Framework) is a threat to the inherent rights of First Nations. The council has committed to advocate to the AFN General Assembly, that will meet on July 24th to 26th, that they reject the Rights Framework and all its associated processes.
The Rights Framework, as guided by the Liberal government’s Ten Principles document, continues to emphasize the supremacy of the Canadian Constitution and constrains the possibility for true self-determination among First Nations. As stated by Deputy Grand Chief Gordon Peters, “The Framework is not about reconciliation. The Feds have failed First Nations in their duty to protect their lands and resources while continuing to reap the benefits. Canada must end their oppressive actions.”
Further, the Rights Framework process continues to undermine the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and purposely sidelines important questions of Aboriginal title, consent, treaty obligations, land rights, and access to natural resources. Grand Chief Joel Abram has noted that, “Canada’s Framework for Rights Recognition is not reflective of what a true nation-to-nation relationship looks like. Instead it encourages self-subjugation within the constraints of Canadian law, in exchange for money. Despite all the rhetoric of reconciliation, this is nothing more than the old ‘extinguishment’ policy in sheep’s clothing, and yet another attempt to solve the ‘Indian problem’.”
News & Events
Federal Rights Framework Media Release can be download from this link Here
1. AIAI Rights Framework Analysis (July 2018)
2. Yellowhead Institute Rights Framework Analysis
3. Rights Framework Analysis PowerPoint
4. 13 Principles of Respect Kindness and Sharing (unsigned)
5. 13 Principles of Respect, Kindness, and Sharing Presentation
6. Ten Principles – Canada’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples
7. CIRNA’s Rights Framework Engagement Guide 2018
8. AIAI Rights Framework Resolution 2018 (Final)
9. AOCC Rights Framework Resolution
10. AFN AGA 2018 Rights Framework Resolution
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